elliott.computer 3.0
As this site has fragmented over time, there's more of a need to ground myself in domains for different contexts. Also owning more domains is expensive so why not use subdomains! Some of these can be vast and others quite simple. You'll find these domains in the table below. The grayed out domains are proposed but not yet active.
domain | set | context |
elliott.computer |
always in motion 12.20.24, rotterdam |
home.elliott.computer |
![]() |
the site you are currently browsing. feeling like this could grow to accompany other things as well or maybe leave it as an index? 12.20.24, rotterdam |
memory.elliott.computer |
i'm not sure if blog is the right word. more of a grounding place that i can use for writing and posting. something to hold very small and long threads or just an image or a video i've taken. i was inspired by zinzy.website and piperhaywood.com. i think the idea of building something over time is a beautiful one. 12.21.24, rotterdam |
magenta.elliott.computer |
:before magenta.elliott.computer this site was called bell kiosk. i was inspired by those cellphone kiosks in malls. what if one of those kiosks just sold bells. then i started thinking about websites as bells. all those bells ringing/silent/muted: phone, computer, website. for some time i thought bells were a nice metaphor for websites. in the last few years, i've been drawn to the color magenta. i think it began when i visited the dream house's website and the physical space in nyc. that place was part of what prompted my move to nyc in 2017. i think i'm in my magenta phase right now. just after lime green. purple or #551A8B is the default visited link color. 12.19.24, rotterdam |
sites.elliott.computer |
there's also a need for a working directory for sites. this has already existed for a while at sites.elliott.computer. i'll keep this url active but use it as a mirror for orange.elliott.computer. actually mirror.elliott.computer could be the name of a subdomain. maybe i need a list of proposed subs. 12.19.24, rotterdam |
cyan.elliott.computer |
archived projects and versions of this site. 12.20.24, rotterdam |
camera.elliott.computer |
grid of images + lightbox pulling from my are.na camera roll channel. could also be an embed on this site.
blur.elliott.computer |
a blurry version of elliott.computer.
mirror.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
mail.elliott.computer |
restoring the email.elliott.computer site. possibly a name change. does it need to be a node server? could it be a php script? [proposed 12.20.24] |
drawing.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
island.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
inner.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
visit.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
wifi.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
landscape.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
tools.elliott.computer |
[proposed 12.20.24] |
have a subdomain to propose? send an email to domain@elliott.computer